- continuous line
- сплошная линия
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
Авиасловарь. М.А.Левин. 2004.
continuous line recorder — tolydžiosios keivės rašytuvas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Rašytuvas, kuriame įrašas yra tolydžioji kreivė. atitikmenys: angl. continuous line recorder vok. Linieschreiber, m pranc. enregistreur à tracé continu, m … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
Continuous — Con*tin u*ous, a. [L. continuus, fr. continere to hold together. See {Continent}.] 1. Without break, cessation, or interruption; without intervening space or time; uninterrupted; unbroken; continual; unceasing; constant; continued; protracted;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Continuous brake — Continuous Con*tin u*ous, a. [L. continuus, fr. continere to hold together. See {Continent}.] 1. Without break, cessation, or interruption; without intervening space or time; uninterrupted; unbroken; continual; unceasing; constant; continued;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Continuous impost — Continuous Con*tin u*ous, a. [L. continuus, fr. continere to hold together. See {Continent}.] 1. Without break, cessation, or interruption; without intervening space or time; uninterrupted; unbroken; continual; unceasing; constant; continued;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
continuous — [[t]kəntɪ̱njuəs[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n A continuous process or event continues for a period of time without stopping. Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire. ...all employees who had a record of five years continuous employment with… … English dictionary
Continuous spectrum — The spectrum of a linear operator is commonly divided into three parts: point spectrum, continuous spectrum, and residual spectrum. If H is a topological vector space and is a linear map, the spectrum of A is the set of complex numbers λ such… … Wikipedia
continuous — con|tin|u|ous [ kən tınjuəs ] adjective ** 1. ) continuing without stopping or being interrupted: a continuous flow of water a continuous hum from the air conditioner 2. ) a continuous line, curve, etc. continues without a break or space 3. )… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
continuous */*/ — UK [kənˈtɪnjʊəs] / US [kənˈtɪnjuəs] adjective 1) continuing without stopping or being interrupted a continuous flow of water a continuous hum from the air conditioner 2) a continuous line, curve etc continues without a break or space 3)… … English dictionary
continuous — adjective 1》 without interruption. ↘forming a series with no exceptions or reversals. ↘Mathematics denoting a function of which the graph is a smooth unbroken curve. 2》 Grammar another term for progressive (in sense 3). Derivatives… … English new terms dictionary
Continuous-wave radar — is a type of radar system where a known stable frequency continuous wave radio energy is transmitted and then received from any reflecting objects.[1]Continuous wave (CW) radar uses Doppler, which renders the radar immune to interference from… … Wikipedia
Continuous-flow manufacturing — (CFM) is a manufacturing strategy that produces a part via a just in time and kanban production approach, and calls for an ongoing examination and improvement efforts which ultimately requires integration of all elements of the production system … Wikipedia